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As I now live in France and with the effect of Brexit on business and trade, I’m unfortunately having to increase P&P fees by £6 to dispatch CDs over to the UK. It now costs 8€ to send one album across the Channel!!
This situation is beyond my control of course and I hope you will understand why I’m having to take such drastic measures.
As ever, thank you for your support over the years.
Love, Flossie xx
*LATEST*: my brand new album “TRUE COLOURS” is now available from here or at concerts
NEW: BREL / PIAF compilation featuring 12 songs from the now sold out individual BREL and PIAF albums.
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Showing 1–12 of 15 results
True Colours (2024)
My new album is now available and features 12 new songs mainly suggested by... you, lovely audience! A few tracks include some very special guest musicians: Paul Alet, Paul Donnelly, Chris Parkinson and Phil Beer.
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
Brel / Piaf Compilation (2024)
BREL / PIAF compilation featuring 12 songs from the now sold out Piaf and Brel albums.
£10.00 Add to basket -
Flossie Malavialle Live! (June 2018)
Flossie's first Live album ever featuring songs written by wonderful artists such as Bob Dylan, Sting, Vin Garbutt, The Beatles, Tracy Chapman - All have influenced her music tastes overtime and highlight the variety of styles Flossie has always liked and stuck to.
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
If I have to go (2015)
"If I have to go", my 12th album, was released in July 2015. Recorded with Paul Donnelly, it includes tracks by Paul McCartney, Suzanne Vega, ABBA etc ... an interesting and varied collection of reinterpretations!
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
Dark Horses: Under the Rainbow (2015)
The 11th is my second album with Keith Donnelly, recorded in January 2015 and now available on this site. It's called "Under the Rainbow" and includes 15 songs, all composed by Keith.
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
Ten (2012)
The 10th, X, was recorded in August 2012 with Paul Donnelly, long-time friend and "guitariste extraordinaire". It includes 11 tracks that I would call "ballads".
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
Dark Horses (2010)
The 9th, "Dark Horses" was recorded in January 2010. All the songs on the album were written by Keith... and mostly sung by Flossie.
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
Making up the Miles (2004)
The fourth album, released in December 2004, is called "Making up the Miles" after Irish singer-songwriter Kieran Halpin's song. It is a mix of traditional English songs but also more modern tunes, with covers by Eva Cassidy, Jacques Brel (in French), Janis Joplin and also Richard Cocciante in Italian.
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
Mistral (2003)
The 2nd album is called "Mistral" and was released in March 2003. It was recorded with 2 other musicians. More sophisticated, it is also very varied since it includes not only songs extracted from English and Irish folklore but also a song by Maurane (in French) and 2 "jazzy" pieces . It was recorded with Doug B Smith on guitar and Paul Hughes on bass.
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
Thistledown (2002)
The 1st album was released in September 2002 and is called "Thistledown". Most of the songs are in English but there are also 3 songs in French and one in Spanish. In this album, Flossie accompanies herself on guitar.
£12.00£10.00 Add to basket -
Sold Out
Flossie sings Piaf (2003)
The 3rd album is a tribute to Edith Piaf and includes French songs only, 10 in total, among the best known of her repertoire. Flossie is accompanied on the piano by Samuel Marin throughout the album: "Flossie sings Piaf".
£12.00 Read more -
Sold Out
The Tour Collection (2009)
The 8th is a compilation of pre-recorded titles, a "best of" if you like! It's called "Tour Collection". (September 2009)
£12.00 Read more